
Explore our offerings of virtual classes – whether you’d like to attend live groups via zoom, or work at your own pace, we have something for you!

Live Group Experiences

no matter where you are, connect with a group of like-minded souls to grow

Fun & Inspirational Events

Pay-what-you-wish workshops:

A Perspective on Karma | May 21st, 2024

Dream Interpretation | June 1st, 2024

Parallel Lives: The Art of Timeline Jumping | June 18th, 2024

Inspirational Mini Series:

Finding Faith | June 7th -28th, 2024

Psychic Self-Healing Program

Harness your innate intuitive abilities to restore harmony, alleviate stress, and encourage physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing! Begins next January, 2025, Meets 10am-Noon MT, via zoom, 6-months.

Dating with Purpose: The Science & Spirituality of Dating

A 4-week online gathering to understand & reset from your past | identify your triggers, expectations & attachment styles | get clear on what you want to create in your dating experience | start to take intentional action to manifest the relationship you desire. Starts next: April 8th, 2024, 6-8pm MT, via zoom.

Other People’s Perceptions of Me

Highly sensitive people have a tendency to overly take on other peoples opinions, especially when it comes to how it relates to us. in this workshop we will practice some skills to build resilience in our ability to be with the discomfort of what other people think and feel about us, learn how to clear it all out energetically, and get more powerful in our ability to own who we truly are.  Begins Monday, May 6th 2024, 3-week workhop, 6-8pm MT, via Zoom

Study at your own pace

no matter where you are, or when you have time, you can expand your transformation

FREE EVENT | Activate Your Intuition

We all have innate abilities – also known as our sixth sense.  Some people are naturally gifted in that it comes easefully for them, but for most of us – just like running a race, or playing an instrument – we need practice to get better! Join us for a FREE video series to help you TURN YOUR INTUITION ON and build the muscle.  Consistency is key. You will be blown away by the intuitive power you already possess within you!

reclaim your space

A foundational class on energy awareness and intuition that will give you tools to feel better everyday.  This class is great for everyone, but especially profound for highly sensitive and empathic individuals. Perfect for beginners OR advanced healers looking to expand thier awareness and tool set.

Set Your Sleep Space – Mini eCourse

Join us in this workshop to learn about what your spirit does while the physical body is resting, reset the various dynamics that contribute to a good night of sleep,  and learn how to set intentions with your spirit to help you with your life while you sleep!

How To Read Past Lives & Auras

An e-course to learn simple, yet powerful techniques to read energetic and spiritual information. Including important methods to clear your energy and set energetic boundaries; as well as easy to access visualizations to learn how to read & interpret aura layers and past lives.

Intuitive Training Program – Self-study

Ready to transform? Intuitively look at yourself from a neutral perspective, practice unique techniques to heal old patterning, create new paradigms in self awareness, and live a more consciously aware and intentional life. Cultivate trust in your intuition, connection to spirit, and master your energy.  Learn to READ energy – auras, past lives, chakras, etc and see how this can really shift your life. This course is deeply nourishing to both body and spirit!

FREE 5-Day Intuitive Awareness Game

YOU ARE intuitive! If you know it or doubt it – join us for this 5-day game to take note of your sixth-sense and bring awareness to how it comes in for you!

Parenting & The Chakras

Confused by all the parenting methodologies and advice out there? Tune into your own truth in your parenting space. Learn more about your chakras and intuitively look at how they can help you to understand your relationship with your children. Tuning into this knowledge can not only provide valuable personal information, but also offers tremendous insight into what you’re working on with your children in any given moment. Coming Soon!

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