Reprogramming + Ritual
Grad Series
This 7-week series is for those ready to take some intentional action towards living NEW pictures. Let’s play with the idea of “re-programming” and how the concept of ritual can assist that!
You know how to blow pictures, and have done a lot of deprogramming. You have handed the keys over to your spirit time and again, and it has been powerful. You have seen your life change.
However, do you perhaps keep defaulting into the phrase “I just need to blow a picture!” as the NEW program, rather than living the NEW picture? {even if you don’t, this class will be cool for you!} Sometimes we are still mucking around in our old limits, or keep calling in the old program, and don’t even realize it. It’s time to consciously insert the NEW programs – led by action via our intuitive knowingness in the process!
Let’s gather as a group to spend some time validating how far we have come, and focus on creating and living NEW programs by taking very intentional action. This series will call forth a whole new embodiment of your humanity.
Through the powerful support of group energy, and the inspired act of ritual, we will begin to SEE and EXPERIENCE some new life stories, from our choosing. We will be harnessing the wisdom of “Cycles of 7”, as well as many other amazing tools you have learned in classes, to build the bridge from here to there. We will validate each step, feel deep presence in our lives, and be living a whole new embodiment of choice!
Come with a 2 specific intentions you would like to work on, and we will support one another through the cultivation journey.
Facilitated by Stacia Synnestvedt.
Pre-requesite: at least 6 months+ of Grad Training
Registration Info!
OFFERED: 7-Mondays, 10am-11:30am MT | June 20th – August 1st | Via Zoom
COST: $340
Space is limited, please register to with the Sign Up Now button!